Laughing Eagle Productions is nestled in the beautiful Green Mountains of the Mad River Valley in Vermont! LEP is a full service event producer for your small to mid-sized music events. We have both outdoor and indoor facilities and can cater your events on site or elsewhere in Vermont. We can provide the stage, backline, frontline, PA, audio techs, video gear (including a Mavic 2 Pro Drone); and we can cater the beer, wine and food. Contact us today to let us help you bring your next studio, live, or livestream event to life! 

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Featured Project
Soule Monde tribute to John Lennon Holiday Song

Laughing Eagle Music grew out of the quality of artists recording at Sugarhouse Soundworks. LEM is full service Music Label. Affiliated with ASCAP and BMI, it was created as a service to local artists looking to produce and promote their musical talents. LEM tailors its representation of artists to their specific needs. LEM is always looking for established or emerging talent.

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